Monday, October 22, 2012

SCCM 2012 Report to Compare the Machines in AD without SCCM Client

Hi All,

We were working on report that can compare the objects available in Active Directory and not in SCCM, initially we planned to use LogParser and a VB Script which will fetch Active Directory objects and updates in a TempDB. Post, we can create a report to compare the clients that are available in AD but not in SCCM Database.

But we are not indent to disturb the Database using LogParser. hence we have created a query which will compare the V_R_System and V_GS_Computer_System to identify the clients that are available in Active Directory but not in SCCM or without SCCM Client, and this report also shows you lastLogon details.

I hope this can help some one out there.

SQL Query


SELECT Name0, sys1.Operating_System_Name_and0,  DATEDIFF(dd, [Last_Logon_Timestamp0], getdate()) AS 'days LastLogon'
FROM v_r_system sys1
WHERE Name0 NOT IN (SELECT name0 FROM v_GS_Computer_System)
ORDER BY [days LastLogon]


Ur's -> SithaYuvaraj | SCCM Administrator
This posting is provided AS-IS with no warranties/guarantees and confers no rights.


Anonymous said...

Short and Sweet

Kumar said...

This query really helped me.
keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

Great report, question though.

Is Last_Logon_Timestamp0 for the System or User?

Anonymous said...

Thank you !
Just the query i was looking for.