Hi Everyone,
Recently i got in to a trouble that one of the boundary was targeted to wrong site system and i really had a tough time opening all the boundary to see the site systems.
So i have created a report to ease this work and i hope some one out there might require this.
This report will provide the Boundary Group Name, Assignment Site Code, Site System, Boundary Target details, Modified date and admin name.
Create a report using below query and comment me if you have trouble running the report.
select sys1.Name, sys1.DefaultSiteCode,
(select SUBSTRING(sys2.ServerNALPath, CHARINDEX('\\', sys2.ServerNALPath) + 2,
CHARINDEX('"]', sys2.ServerNALPath) - CHARINDEX('\\', sys2.ServerNALPath) - 3 ) +
CASE sys2.Flags WHEN '1' Then ' (Slow)' WHEN '0' THEN '' END + '; ' as 'data()'
from vSMS_BoundaryGroupSiteSystems as sys2 where sys1.GroupID=sys2.GroupID
for XML path('')) as 'Site System',
(select sys4.Value + '; ' as 'data()' from vSMS_BoundaryGroupMembers as sys3
left join vSMS_Boundary as sys4 on sys3.BoundaryID=sys4.BoundaryID where sys1.GroupID=sys3.GroupID
for XML path('')) as 'Boundary', sys1.ModifiedOn, sys1.ModifiedBy
from vSMS_BoundaryGroup as sys1
Ur's -> SithaYuvaraj | SCCM Administrator
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